Warning/Scam/Fraud -Aris Basketball Club
target Pro Players and Coaches |
I wanted to bring to the attention to ALL Pro Players and Coaches around the globe of a SCAM.
They use the name of Greek Basketball Club Aris.
The current e mail being used is as follows:
Also used has been arisbasketballrecruits@outlook.com
The attached is the first e mail sent to Players
Aris Basketball Club <arisbcgrrecruits003@outlook.com> wrote:
Aris Basketball club based in Greece will be organizing a Tryouts program to be held on 15th and
16th of December 2015. Every criterion for invited players will be taken care of (shooting, dribbling,passing, rebounding, defense, 3 on 3, 5 on 5) players will compete more scrimmages to further evaluate actual game situation. (If further evaluation is needed, it is possible to go to a third day and set up a scrimmage with another association to get a better feel for all the players’ skill sets and in other.
The club will also explain rules, policies, and goals, not only for the try-out, but what players will expect for the entire season.Club will also have a few sessions to evaluate players.Aris Basketball team Greece are looking for Point guard,Shooting guard,Small forward,Power forward and Center with small to mid sized contracts($1200-$6000/per month)Interested players should forward game highlight or film.We are interested to hear from any players who can add to the strength of our Men and Women. The Greek Basketball office will be pleased to assist players and parents with the complexities.Please get back to us We will contact you on receipt.
Mr Dimitrios Priftis
Team Manager
Different dates are used, this is sent out Year around..
They changes he dates to meet the urgent needs of players seeking employment.
They also target Coaches.
This is a scam
They then send a follow up e mail..
See attached below :
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email and coaching bio forwarded.We have looked closely on your information and will be pleased to engage you to take our under 23 teams this coming season.I will be Inviting you for players tryout program coming up in December 15th 2015 where very criterion for each player will be taken care of (shooting, dribbling,passing, rebounding, defense, 3 on 3, 5 on 5). Day two (If necessary) – players will compete more scrimmages to further evaluate players actual game situation. (If further evaluation is needed, it is possible to go to a third day and set up a scrimmage with another association to get a better feel for all the players’ skill sets and in other.
The club will also explain rules, policies, and goals, not only for the try-out, but what players will expect for the entire season.Club will also have a few sessions to evaluate players Our contract paper will be forwarded to you in my next email.Main while you are to get back to us with your full contact address and reachable telephone number as i will be calling you on phone.Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this email.
Mr Vassili.
Then a copy of a player contract was sent to me replacing Player with Coach for me.
See attached below
Attach here is Aris Basketball contract which should be review witting two days sign and return back to this email if offer is accepted for us to proceed.Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this email.
Mr A Vassili
Also attached is the copy of the RTF Aris Club Contract
Aris Basketball And Scott Fields Contract
This agreement made and entered into as of 1-12-2015 by and between Aris Basketball Greece represented by Mr. Nikolaos Papadopoulos (Hereinafter referred to as the “CLUB” And Scott Fields (Hereinafter referred to as the “Coach”), Passport number…………….
In consideration of mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
1 The Club does hereby engage the Coach as a skilled basketball Coach for a term, which shall begin on the date hereof, 18-12-2015.and end on the last day of the playoff games 2016 played by Club. The coaches engagement during the playing season covered by this agreement shall include attendance and participation in practices, exhibition games, regular season games, post season playoffs, Cup and tournament games scheduled and entered into by the Club.
2. during the period of this agreement, the Club agrees to pay the coach as compensation for the 2015-2016 Season, 86,400 USD net (Eighty six thousands four Hundred) to be paid as follows:
3.9,600 USD monthly installments commencing on 10h of January 2015 and ending August 2016 and after that 1,000 USD per day at the end of every week as long as the team of Club will play in the play offs..
3a.This shall be deemed a guaranteed contract, ten days after the coach’s arrival on 15th of December 2015.The Club agrees that the payments described above are deemed earned and vested with the coach. Upon the coach meeting the above criteria the full amount of the payments called for are guaranteed by the Club and neither illness, nor injury nor any other consequence shall relieve the club from paying the amount described in their entirety. Notwithstanding the agreed guaranteed period of employment, the club will be entitled to terminate this contract in case ,the coach performs acts of violence against club’s management, players and/or other (team) coaches’ using drugs (after contra expertise/second opinion) and/or abusing alcohol.
3b. The club has the right to do a medical exam on the coach within..10... days after his arrival in Greece. The medical exam will be done by a certified doctor appointed and paid for by the club. In case of a negative result for the coach, the coach will have the opportunity to get a second opinion by another certified, independent doctor. If and when the second opinion confirms the original opinion, the contract shall not come into force.
4. The payments described in paragraph 2 above and art. 12 below represented amounts to be paid to the coach after all taxes have been deducted (commonly referred to as “net” payments).In other words, upon receipt of the payments called for, the coach shall have no tax obligation payments.
4a. If, Club fails to pay the mentioned monthly salary, than the coach is free to stop practicing and playing until the mentioned payment is made. Even if the coach is not working because of this incident, the team still has the obligation to pay the agreed amount of money until the end of the contract period.
5. During the period of this agreement, the Club will provide the coach with the use of an acceptable automobile and further provide for automobile insurance for the coach and covering injuries to the Coach or to the person or property of others. It is expressly understood, however, that the Coach shall be responsible for his own fuel, oil normal maintenance and parking and traffic violations. The cost of major repairs shall be borne by the Club.
6. during the period of this agreement, the Club will provide with the use of a furnished apartment, color TV, and cable TV and internet that is deemed acceptable to the Coach. The Coach will pay all telephone charges, and the Club shall pay all required utility expenses associated with the normal use of the apartment. The Coach shall also be responsible for any damage to the apartment or any of its contents, save and except normal wear and use.
7. The Club will provide the Coach with two round trip coach class airline tickets between the home of the Player United State and Greece.
8. during the period of this agreement, the Club shall provide the Coach with all medical and non-cosmetic dental services required for the Coach while residing in Greece addition, the Club shall carry adequate life insurance coverage to provide for full payment of the compensation due to the Player as described herein.
9. Basic regulations:
The statutes and regulations of the club
The statutes and regulations of the league
The statutes and regulations of the national member federation of FIBA
The statutes and regulations of the FIBA
The statutes and regulations of the FIBA zone
The Club agrees to pay all the necessary fees required to make the Coach eligible with FIBA, and Basketball Federation of Greece. The club will release the Coach for his national team according the rules of the FIBA.
10. The Coach agrees to observe and comply with all requirements of the Club respecting conduct of the team and the Coaches, at all times, whether on or off the playing floor. The Club may set forth-reasonable rules for the governing of its Coaches. The Coach shall be given a complete set of such rules translated in an English version prior to the beginning of the season. For any violations of such rules the Club may impose reasonable fines upon the Coach. The Coach shall be provided with a schedule of the amounts of such fines as they exist for all the Coach of the Club.
The Coach understands that he must also obey the rules of the League and FIBA and that violations of such rules by her may result in reasonable fines against him or against the Club by FIBA.If the Player is fined, she shall be given notice in writing stating the amount of the fine and the reason therefore and the Coach shall have the right to appeal the amount of and the reason for such fines, according to the rules of the Club, the League, and or FIBA, at that expense.
11. The Coach agrees that she is aware of the use of random drug testing by the Club and the Basketball Federation of Greece. The Coach hereby agrees to make herself available for the FIBA Doping Test as required by the Club of the Federation.
12. In addition to the payments described in art. 2 above of this agreement the club agrees to pay the Coach in USD currency bonus payments as follows.
The Coach shall receive the following net bonuses:
Winning the championship ----------------------------------------------- 800 Euro
Winning the cup ----------------------------------------------------------------1.400 Euro
Winning a home game--------------------------------------------------------1,400 Euro
Winning an away game-------------------------------------------------------1,800 Euro
Making the finals---------------------------------------------------------------2,500 Euro cup===========================3,500 Euro
Bonuses shall be paid monthly with the Coach’s salary after said bonus is earned. All bonuses are guaranteed in the same manner as the Coach’s basic compensation as described herein above. The bonuses shall be paid not later than thirty days after the date they were obtained. Final bonuses due shall be paid before the player departs.
13. The Club and Coach agree that after the conclusion of the 2015-2016. Season, the club will have an option on the Coach for the following season for an amount of 11,000 USD monthly fixed salary. In case the club does not take this option within 14 days after the last game of the 2015-2016. Season the Coach shall be granted her letter of clearance.
14. The terms hereof insure to the benefit of binding on the Coach, his heirs and assigns, and the Club and its successors and assigns.
a. "Any dispute arising from or related to the present contract shall be submitted to the FIBA Arbitral Tribunal (FAT) in Geneva, Switzerland and shall be resolved definitely in accordance with the FAT Arbitration Rules. The arbitrator shall decide the dispute ex aequo et bono.Awards of the FAT can be appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne, Switzerland. To the extent legally possible under Swiss law recourse to the Swiss Federal Tribunal against awards of the FAT and against decisions of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) upon appeal shall be excluded"
c. If any of this provision of this agreement shall be invalid, the remainder thereof shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.
d. On all delayed payments club will automatically pay an interest of 3,5% per month.
e. All costs for Coach to obtain the money will be paid by Club.
f. This agreement shall be the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, any representations, warranties or conditions not expressly incorporated herein shall not be binding upon either party.
g. This agreement shall supersede all prior understandings, agreements and contracts and contains the entire agreement between the parties.
h. No oral agreement is binding upon the parties.
i. Both parties agree to use the English language for this agreement
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the 1st Day of December 2015..
For the Club Mr. Nikolaos Papadopoulos………… .
For the Coach. Scott Fields--------------------------------
Do Not respond...
Let's use this e mail and blow them up
I have already contacted authorities to research the senders to hold them accountable
Please share this content to protect all Players and Coaches